Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tianjin Eco-city :: Introduction

Tianjin Eco-city :: Introduction


The Tianjin Eco-city's vision is to be "A thriving city which is
socially harmonious, environmentally-friendly and resource-efficient – a
model for sustainable development".
This vision is underpinned by the concepts of "Three Harmonies" and "Three Abilities".

"Three Harmonies" refers to:

  • People living in harmony with other people, i.e. social harmony
  • People living in harmony with economic activities, i.e. economic vibrancy
  • People living in harmony with the environment, i.e. environmental sustainability
"Three Abilities” refers to the Eco-city being:

  • Practicable - the technologies adopted in the Eco-city must be affordable and commercially viable
  • Replicable - the principles and models of the Eco-city could be applied to other cities in China and even in other countries
  • Scalable - the principles and models could be adapted for another project or development of a different scale

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