Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Context for Assessing the Potential Ecological Fall-Out from the Tianjin Chemical Explosions - MAHB

A Context for Assessing the Potential Ecological Fall-Out from the Tianjin Chemical Explosions - MAHB


In the U.S., Europe, across South America and Africa, urban
despoliation is forcing land managers and city planners to think in
terms of vertical agriculture and terra-forming the vast expanse of
city-rooftops. One city in desperate need of such albedo-heat-island
countering greening is Los Angeles. New visions of green space corridors
have already been engendered, or partially so, within Rio de Janeiro,
Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Singapore and
Frankfurt-am-Main. Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, a strong trading
partner of China, is in the process of creating Africa’s most important
city park, the former Army Dump known as Malhazine. It will be nearly
three times the size of New York’s Central Park, which sees some 30
million visitors per year, and serve as an international template for a
‘peace park’, an in situ biodiversity sanctuary, an environmental
educational outreach center, a museum, herbarium and arts and crafts
emporium for local artists and artisanal aficionados.

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