Thursday, September 10, 2015

Trees: The Carbon Storage Experts - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

Trees: The Carbon Storage Experts - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation: "The actual rate of carbon sequestration will vary with species, climate and site, but in general, younger and faster growing forests have higher annual sequestration rates. Considering that one half of the weight of dried wood is carbon, trees in a forest hold a lot of carbon. When the enormous amount of carbon stored in forest soils is added to the trees' carbon, it becomes obvious that forests are major carbon storage reservoirs.

The main strategies for using forests for carbon sequestration are listed below in order of their potential for carbon sequestration in New York:

Active forest management - enhancing forest growth through sustainable forestry
Avoided deforestation - reducing the loss of forested land by promoting smart growth and less sprawl.
Forest preservation - leaving forests undisturbed as is done in the 3 million acres of the Adirondack and Catskill Forest Preserve.
Afforestation - adding forest to previously unforested land, as was done on State Forest land during the Great Depression ."

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