Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Genetically Modified Tree Approved by USDA with No Assessments | Natural Society

New Genetically Modified Tree Approved by USDA with No Assessments | Natural Society

  • A means for toxic cleanup and bioremediation that will help to remove heavy metals, and reduce contaminated soils.

  • Fast growing, non-GMO trees are not looked to as a resource. Bamboo, for example, is fast-growing and is a carbon sink.
  • The level of disease in GMO-planted forests is not yet determined,
    and since GMO crops have led to super bugs and weed-resistant
    super-weeds, assuming that GMO forests would be any different is less
    than logical.
There is no question that the genetically modified foods infiltrating
our food supply could be causing negative health effects and
compromising the quality of the ecosystem.But the genetic modification
we’re working so hard to prevent goes beyond the food supply, as even
trees are being genetically engineered. Some experts say that these genetically modified trees are even more environmentally-damaging than GM foods.

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